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Notre mission est d’assister les coaches expérimentés
en ajoutant à leur répertoire des méthodes
de coaching bref basé sur le cerveau.

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Lors de nos formations en LIMBIC COACHING, nous ne nous focalisons pas sur les dernières découvertes en recherches sur le cerveau.

À la place, nous enseignons des techniques innovantes et prouvées basées sur le cerveau qui vont placer votre travail avec les clients à un nouveau rang.

Notre expérience nous a enseignée qu’être capable de

  • communiquer efficacement avec le système limbique
  • utiliser les réactions involontaires du système limbique afin de travailler pour, et non contre, le meilleur intérêt du client
  • résoudre les blocages mentaux, les stagnations et le stress directement à leurs sources

est un pré-requis pour un résultat durable en coaching.

Notre expérience nous a enseignée qu’être capable de

  • communiquer efficacement avec le système limbique
  • utiliser les réactions involontaires du système limbique afin de travailler pour, et non contre, le meilleur intérêt du client
  • résoudre les blocages mentaux, les stagnations et le stress directement à leurs sources

est un pré-requis pour un résultat durable en coaching.


Lors de nos formations pratiques, nous présentons les composants du coaching basé sur le cerveau, étape par étape, afin que vous puissiez les intégrer facilement aux méthodes que vous utilisez déjà.

Pour nous, il est primordial que vous atteigniez des résultats optimaux avec vos clients. C’est pour cette raison que nos cours de certification incluent une supervision.

Nous offrons également un support qui va au-delà des formations au cas où vous avez des questions par rapport à l’application pratique de la méthode LIMBIC COACHING.

Pour nous, il est primordial que vous atteigniez des résultats optimaux avec vos clients. C’est pour cette raison que nos cours de certification incluent une supervision.

Nous offrons également un support qui va au-delà des formations au cas où vous avez des questions par rapport à l’application pratique de la méthode LIMBIC COACHING.

Mais vous seul pouvez décider si cela est un complément utile aux outils de votre répertoire déjà en place.


En tant que coaches, nous avons tous expérimenté ce qui suit : Nos clients savent que faire un certain pas serait utile, mais quelque chose les retient de le faire. Que se passe-t-il ?

La réponse peut être trouvée dans notre cerveau. Ici, le système limbique, notre cerveau émotionnel « décide » si un plan est mis en pratique ou si cela reste juste une idée.

La réponse peut être trouvée dans notre cerveau. Ici, le système limbique, notre cerveau émotionnel « décide » si un plan est mis en pratique ou si cela reste juste une idée.

Donc voici le dilemme : lorsque nous décidons de faire quelque chose consciemment, cela ne veut pas forcément dire que notre système limbique est « d’accord » également.

Étant une des parties les plus anciennes de notre cerveau du point de vue de l’évolution, le système limbique est à peine accessible à travers le langage.

C’est pour cette raison que tenter de se motiver pour changer un comportement avec des arguments rationnels est aussi futile que d’utiliser un extincteur au troisième étage pour éteindre un feu qui aurait pris au rez-de-chaussée.

En d’autres termes : avec le langage et la logique, nous travaillons au « mauvais étage » du cerveau.


Une combinaison intelligente

La méthode LIMBIC COACHING se base sur les dernières découvertes en matière de recherches sur le cerveau et incorpore, d’une façon unique, des mécanismes de gestion autonome efficaces de différents domaines de la psychologie en un outil de coaching innovant.

Mouvements oculaires guidés
pour une coopération optimale des deux hémisphères du cerveau, en utilisant les mécanismes de traitement du cerveau pour gérer les informations, le stress et les émotions

D’autres formes de stimulation bilatérale alternée :
Stimulation auditive et tactile alternée selon un protocole particulier pour exploiter les compétences innées d’autogestion mentale des clients.

Un test pratique de réponse musculaire
qui fonctionne bien avec tous types de clients ; il guide coach et client à travers la procédure de coaching comme un système de navigation afin de prévenir des détours ou des égarements

Communication orientée vers la solution
afin de pouvoir centrer le coaching encore plus sur les résultats désirés

pour réaliser un  « emballage cadeau » du contenu des sessions de coaching et rendre les prochaines étapes plus accessibles aux clients.


Avec l’approche LIMBIC COACHING, nous promouvons les coaches à :

Avoir d’avantages d’options
pour maximiser leur impact en coaching

tout particulièrement aux besoins des clients qui se trouvent dans un environnement de travail de plus en plus exigeant

Satisfaire aux besoins des clients
pour des résultats rapides et durables en une seule ou quelques sessions seulement

leurs cabinets

de nouveaux clients.


Nous avons développé la méthode du LIMBIC COACHING pour aider les clients à :

leur résistance au stress, leur créativité et leur bien-être général

les déceptions personnelles et professionnelles, les échecs, les stagnations ou les obstacles qui apparaissent sur leurs chemins de réussite

de nouveaux comportements

Atteindre et maintenir
une performance maximale

Le LIMBIC COACHING est notre méthode de choix pour les clients qui veulent un résultat optimal et soient préparés pour tout défi. C’est la méthode idéale pour :

Les clients très performants
tels que chefs d’entreprises, ingénieurs, entrepreneurs, avocats, pilotes, docteurs, athlètes, artistes et chacun qui se trouve confronté aux exigences de plus en plus grandissantes

Tout individu
qui veut atteindre la performance optimale dans les moments critiques ou surmonter des blocages qui l’ont empêché d’atteindre son objectif


Nos formations certifiantes LIMBIC COACHING s’adressent à :

Des coaches professionnels

Des conseillers

Des psychologues du sport

Les participants qui n’ont pas les qualifications en psychologie doivent avoir un minimum de 100 h de formation en :

  • Coaching
  • PNL
  • Psychologie énergétique ou en
  • Hypnothérapie.


L’investissement inclut 30 heures de formation intensive avec un apport théorique sous forme de

Présentations …

démonstrations en direct

… Exercices pratiques pour expérimenter le LIMBIC COACHING entant que coach et entant que client

... as well as

… Des documents détaillés

… Des commentaires approfondis sur deux cas de coaching

… Une heure de supervision par Skype

La possibilité d’ apparaitre gratuitement dans notre annuaire de coaches pour les LIMBIC COACHING Technique Masters.

Nous offrons des réductions pour des inscriptions anticipées ainsi que des prix de groupe.

Cette formation a été certifiée commeContinuing Coach Education (CCE) par l’International Coach Federation (ICF). En cas de finalisation de la formation certifiante du LIMBIC COACHING, le participant reçoit 30 CCEUs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are guided eye movements - and how can they be part of a coaching session?

You might have experienced the following for yourself: After a good night sleep, the next morning you’re definitely feeling better about something that had happened the previous day and caused you stress or made you feel bad.

Why is that?

This is actually a perfect example of our innate mental self-management capacity. While we’re sleeping, we’re going through the so-called REM phase during which our eyes are moving back and forth rapidly. This is thought to correlate with an optimal collaboration of both brain hemispheres. That’s why during the REM phase, our brain is processing all kinds of information, emotions, memories, and stress in a natural way. While we’re “sleeping on it,” our brain is in an optimal and solution-oriented state of creativity.

In a LIMBIC COACHING session, we’re making active use of this natural self-management competency in order to help clients to

  • assimilate whatever is bothering them and brought them into coaching in the first place
  • overcome obstacles and challenges
  • intensify positive emotions
  • enhance their skills.

Here’s what happens during guided eye movements in a LIMBIC COACHING session:

After coach and client have identified what exactly has blocked the client or caused them stress, the client focuses on this and then follows the coach’s hand movements with their eyes, thus moving their eyes in a similar way they do during REM sleep. This prompts their brain to enter that powerful mode. By processing stress-triggers in this targeted way, clients can remain focused and creative in situations that used to trigger blocks or stress.

The beauty of using guided eye movements in the LIMBIC COACHING approach is that they don’t just process previously identified stress-triggers. They also put the client’s brain into an optimal state of creativity. This is why many clients have flashes of insight during the LIMBIC COACHING session and come up with new ideas and solutions.

2. What exactly are other forms of bilateral stimulation?

To have even more options in coaching, particularly for sessions via Skype and for self-coaching, the LIMBIC COACHING protocol offers two alternatives to the guided eye movements.

  1. A set of musical pieces that were composed just for the LIMBIC COACHING method. Listening to these tracks via headphones puts the listener’s brain into the powerful processing mode.
  2. Bilateral tapping of particular points on face, torso and hands to stimulate receptors in the skin and send calming signals to the brain. This tapping part of the LIMBIC COACHING protocol has its roots in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), TFT (Thought Field Therapy) and PEP (Positive Embodiment oriented Psychology) and combines the best of the different approaches in a unique way.

Both perfectly

  • complement the LIMBIC COACHING procedure
  • transform stress-triggers
  • support the brain in “re-labeling” whatever used to trigger stress or involuntary responses.

3. What is Muscle Response Testing - and how can it be useful in a coaching session?

Muscle response testing with two fingers of the client’s hand allows coach and client to detect what exactly interferes with the client’s performance, stress-resilience, and/or sense of well-being. Once identified, this stress-trigger can be processed in a targeted way via bilateral stimulation.

Hence, in a LIMBIC COACHING session, coach and client can focus on the areas that really deserve attention and identify valuable experiences and resources that the client would not necessarily have connected to their issue.

Thanks to the Muscle Response Test, coach and client avoid unnecessary “detours” and can accomplish a lot in a single coaching session.

4. What is Solution-Focused Communication?

In LIMBIC COACHING , we use the powerful Solution-Focused Communication skills to determine what exactly the client wants to achieve rather than focus on the issue that brought them into coaching in the first place. Hence we aim to help the client establish a clearly defined goal and outline appropriate first steps to take after the session.

The essence of this outcome-oriented approach is:

  • the use of scaling questions
  • the focus on the person rather than the problem
  • an active search for resources rather than deficits
  • the exploration of possible and preferred futures
  • trust that clients are experts in all aspects of their lives

5. What is the advantage of closing a coaching session with affirmations?

Affirmations according to the LIMBIC COACHING protocol are a powerful brain-based technique for closing the coaching session. Just like a unique gift handed over at the end of the meeting, they are designed to help clients

  1. consolidate what they can take away from the challenges that were identified and addressed
  2. enhance their confidence in their skills to actually accomplish the previously defined goals
  3. actively connect 1 and 2 with the next required action steps.

6. What’s in it for me as a coach and my coaching clients?

The LIMBIC COACHING method is an additional tool for experienced professionals who want to have more choices to accomplish impactful results in coaching.

By integrating the client’s emotional brain, this unique approach works “on the correct floor of the brain” where blocks and stress originate but can’t be solved with language or logic. You can help clients effectively process

  • emotions
  • limiting beliefs
  • memories that used to inhibit performance and create stress.


  1.  LIMBIC COACHING perfectly complements “classical” coaching. By addressing blocks head-on and thus helping clients overcome self-sabotage and stagnation fast, you can attain even more sustainable results with clients in the course of a long-term coaching engagement. This clearly advances your coaching practice.
  2. By providing precisely the succinct support many people want and need, you can attract new clients whose needs are currently not met in a long-term engagement.
    As you know, coaching generally focuses on supporting high performers and individuals to accomplish long-term goals or leadership. In this form, however, coaching does not cover all areas in which clients could benefit from succinct support and pinpoint solutions when facing a challenge or an obstacle.
    Brief and Single Session Coaching with the LIMBIC COACHING method closes this gap. By matching the fast-paced life style and demanding work and sports performance environments many clients face, it opens coaching for people who normally wouldn’t even consider looking for support.
  3. On the practical side, thanks to the unique LIMBIC COACHING protocol it isn’t necessary that your clients talk about their issue in detail. Sharing a general idea of what it is that they want to address or accomplish is sufficient for a successful coaching session. LIMBIC COACHING interventions allow maximum transparency for your clients. This makes it the ideal approach to work on issues your clients don’t want to talk about or have difficulty verbalizing.
  4. Several components of the method are also very effective for self-coaching.

7. What’s in it for me as a sport psychologist and my clients?

Performance differences between equally skilled athletes are due to differences in their mental strength. That’s why state-of-the-art approaches to help your clients mentally prepare for peak performance are crucial.


With the LIMBIC COACHING method, you can clearly identify with your client what exactly has kept them from performing their best in a particular context and immediately process this challenge to increase the odds that next time they do.

Based on this, you can develop unique strategies that get the athlete “into the zone” instantaneously whenever necessary.

This approach enables the you to directly address all areas in the client’s personal, professional and sports life that have an impact on their performance.

This typically spans from stressful memories of past experiences to unhelpful emotions regarding something upcoming.

And this clearly makes your coaching even more sustainable.


  • Mentally prepare for peak performance in tournaments, competitions, and other important performances.
  • Have their mental resources ready the very fraction of a second they need them.
  • Optimize focus, composure, and confidence.
  • Overcome performance anxiety and let their mind work for, rather than against, their best interest.
  • Prepare in an optimal way for possible negative audience responses.
  • Mentally and emotionally process and overcome
    • past defeats
    • injuries
    • criticism and judgments of past performance both from the media and from their environment.

8. What’s in it for me as a hypnotherapist or psychotherapist and my clients?

The brain-based LIMBIC COACHING method perfectly complements hypnosis and most therapeutic approaches and increases your effectiveness.


Many clients want fast and succinct support. Hence, a long-term engagement does not necessarily meet their needs. By adding this Single Session and Brief Coaching approach to your repertoire, you can attract new and different types of clients and at the same time have more options to address issues with long-term clients.


Most people believe that effectively addressing certain issues requires talking about them. But thanks to the precise LIMBIC COACHING protocol it isn’t even necessary for clients to give details about their issue. Sharing a general idea of what they want to address or accomplish is sufficient for the session to provide the desired outcome.

That’s why this approach perfectly meets the needs of clients who don’t want to talk about or have difficulty verbalizing whatever is bothering them.


By making use of your clients’ natural mental self-healing capacity in order to dissolve (subliminal) blocks at their source and thanks to the clear focus on what really needs to be addressed, you can achieve amazing results, often within a single LIMBIC COACHING session.


  • Increase their sense of self-confidence
  • Restore and stabilize inner balance
  • Overcome phobias and anxieties such as
    • test anxiety
    • fear of flying
    • fear of public speaking and stage fright
    • arachnophobia
    • dental treatment anxiety
  • Reduce physical stress such as lack of sleep or jetlag
  • Handle stress, conflicts and interpersonal disappointments in their personal or professional environment
  • Transform setbacks and obstacles
  • Cope with grief after a loss or break-up
  • Handle memories of negative experiences and the subsequent emotions
  • Deal with food cravings
  • Identify limiting beliefs and turn them into positive, encouraging mottos

9. What’s in it for me as a performance coach and my clients?

With the unique LIMBIC COACHING method, you can raise your performance coaching to a higher level by meeting your clients’ unique needs even more effectively.

This brain-based approach allows the most precise mental preparation for any situation that is connected with how others perceive your client’s performance, such as:

  • Media interviews
  • Exams
  • Auditions
  • Speeches and presentations
  • Assessment centers
  • Job interviews
  • Public appearances.


With the LIMBIC COACHING approach you can mentally support creative clients very effectively for all kinds of challenges they are facing in their profession.

You will learn tried and tested techniques to help clients in a custom-fit way:

  • Overcome mental blocks and boost their creativity
  • Prepare mentally for peak performance in an audition
  • Handle negative feedback for their performance or creation by audience or media
  • Utilize stage fright in the best possible way
  • Brace themselves for potentially negative judgment of their performance or creation by audience or media to be able to optimally handle it
  • Mentally and emotionally process past stressful or suboptimal performances
  • Learn their lines effectively (for actors)


With the LIMBIC COACHING method you will have unique tools to help students:

  • Prepare for exams and tests in a goal-oriented way
  • Develop their individual learning strategy
  • Transform test anxiety into confidence in their skills
  • Employ strategies to help them feel exactly the way they want to feel during the exam (concentrated, focused, self-confident, mentally alert)
  • Mentally and emotionally process memories of past exams and mental blocks resulting from these
  • Learn to deal effectively with other people’s expectations regarding the outcome of their exam

10. Do you also offer advanced courses?

Yes, we also offer advanced courses that increase practitioners’ flexibility in applying the LIMBIC COACHING method in different contexts to help clients achieve particular goals and outcomes.

Each two-day advanced course includes supervision, introduction of new formats and detailed training handouts. Participants apply and practice the new material with supervision in small groups.

The investment for each advanced course is $800.

We currently offer LIMBIC COACHING advanced courses on the the following topics:

  • Parts Work and “the Inner Team”
  • How to Best Handle Cravings
  • Constellation Work in Individual Coaching Sessions
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Dysfunctional Beliefs and Loyalties
  • Performance and Resource Coaching

Contact us now to check if we are a good match.

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31oct(oct 31)9:00 am03nov(nov 3)4:00 pmLIMBIC COACHING® Certification Training, Palo Alto, Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2024Learn how to coach "on the correct floor" of the brain. Event Organized By: Sylvia Kurpanek Investment: $2,680; Early Registration Fee by August 22, 2024: $2,280 ; Group Rate: Save an additional $200 by signing up together with a colleague.

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