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What Is The Limbic System – And Why Is It So Important To Know How To Speak Its ‘language?’

Our limbic system, our emotional brain, is part of our mid brain. Its main functions include motivation, emotion, learning, and long-term memory.

However, in order to successfully adapt in a desired way and to deal with obstacles and challenges, we need to use the “correct language” when addressing the limbic system.

Our nervous system is constantly receiving sensory input through our senses (touch, smell, hearing, seeing, etc.), and our limbic system immediately emotionally validates that incoming information.

Basically, it checks its “archives” to see if there has been a similar experience in the past and what the learned response should be:

  • “feels like X, therefore do reaction A”
  • “looks/sounds/smells/tastes like Y, need to respond with reaction B”
  • “resembles Z, best reaction therefore is C”

This response is lightning-fast as our ancestors’ survival depended on their capability to immediately respond to external information that was possibly life threatening. And, like it or not, our brain hasn’t changed too much over the past 10,000 years and works by the same mechanisms as our ancestors’ brains did.

Our typical coaching approach of talking about and analyzing involuntary responses and emotions will typically not change much, since our limbic system doesn’t “hear” the logic.

Our limbic system is solely focused on emotional experiences and what exactly triggers them. In order to overcome blocks or change behaviors in the desired way, we need to approach the limbic system in a “language” that it understands. Just like it makes sense to speak the local language or work with an interpreter when you want to do business abroad, rather than both business parties carrying on in their own language.

In our experience, muscle response testing and alternating bilateral stimulation work very well in this regard. That’s why these are key components in the LIMBIC COACHING method.


Sylvia Kurpanek

I love helping clients of all walks of life
• get unstuck and into the flow
• overcome obstacles
• handle challenges in their personal or professional lives
• increase creativity and overall well-being
• mentally prepare for, attain and sustain peak performance
• get where they want to be.
In my work I’m applying a variety of methods to make sure I’m meeting every client’s unique requirements.

It’s my goal to help clients use their mind to work for, rather than against, their best interest. I aim to provide optimal support in very few sessions, generally 1-5. Because people’s time is very precious, and I absolutely respect that.

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